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Lost in the Looking Glass:
Understanding Alzheimer’s Through Alice’s Journey Through Wonderland.


Lisa starts with this thought-provoking question to her audience:

Have they ever wondered what it would be like to live with Alzheimer’s disease every day of your life, or what it would be like to walk in the shoes of someone who does? Since this is a concept that very few of us could even begin to imagine, Lisa offers a glimpse into the world of dementia in her captivating speech by drawing parallels and by juxtaposing the true experiences people endure who are living with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia with the whimsical world of Alice in Wonderland.

She chose to compare the resemblances of Alice’s Journey through Wonderland to what living with dementia might realistically be like for those who do live with it as an intriguing way for people to be able to relate the two concepts.


As she distinguishes the similarities, Lisa exposes how Alice navigates through a topsy-turvy, unpredictable realm, epitomizing how individuals grappling with these cognitive conditions often find themselves in a reality where memories are blurred, all sense of time warps, and once-familiar faces become strangers, similar to Alice’s
experience on her journey through wonderland.


In the end, the noteworthy difference between the fabled Alice in Wonderland and the Alice with dementia, is that original Alice woke up from the dream she was having; whereas the Alice living with dementia will never be able to wake up from a dream, because having dementia is her new reality.

Take Aways:
*The audience will gain an all-embracing understanding of how both scenarios challenge our
sense of self, our perception of the world we live in, and the ability to make sense of our

*By weaving together poignant anecdotes, literary references, and unique insights into the two
backdrops, Lisa aims to deepen the audience’s empathy for those affected by these conditions.

*Just as Alice confronts her strange and surreal adventure, the
audience will appreciate embracing the unfamiliar and how important it is to approach individuals with dementia with an
open mind and heart, as well as how patience and kindness do matter in the face of confusion
and disorientation.

*The audience will also take away the notion that we all need to cherish the present moment,
and just like Alice’s journey, life is an unpredictable adventure for all of us regardless of the
challenges that life may bring.

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